How to Decorate a Christmas Tree Step-by-Step in 2023

As the month of December approaches, there couldn’t be a better moment to start thinking about your Christmas tree decorating scheme for this year.

One of the things I love to do during the Christmas season is drive and walk through my neighborhood. Peeking through windows at the festively decorated Christmas trees in living rooms, adorned with lights, ornaments, and garlands, I must confess that nothing says Christmas like a well-decorated tree.

Decorating a Christmas tree is one of the most cherished traditions in many households, and it is no easy feat, especially for the idealists among us. However, if your home is the source of your pride and joy and the tree is the focal point of your living room, I’ve got you covered.

The most exquisite Christmas trees are adorned with an abundance of ornaments, both store-bought and handmade, and layers upon layers of memories and traditions.

How to Decorate Your Christmas Tree

Decorating a Christmas tree is not just a fun activity, but it also brings a sense of joy and nostalgia. It allows us to express our creativity and showcase our personal style. A well-decorated Christmas tree can transform a room and create a festive atmosphere that brings holiday spirit to the entire household. Whether you prefer a traditional or modern theme, decorating a Christmas tree is a cherished tradition that brings families and friends together during the holiday season.

  • Wrap your Christmas tree with lights.
  • Drape your Garland and Ribbon.
  • Hang your tree ornaments.

Choosing a Christmas Tree

Before we dive into the decoration process, let’s start with a good foundation—a beautiful Christmas tree. When it comes to choosing a Christmas tree, there are a few factors to consider.

First, decide whether you want a real tree or an artificial tree. Real trees have a natural beauty and scent, but they require regular watering and can be more expensive. Artificial trees, on the other hand, are convenient and can be reused year after year.

Next, consider the size of the tree. Measure the space where you plan to place the tree to ensure it fits well and doesn’t overwhelm the room. Finally, think about how the tree will complement your home decor.

If you have a traditional style, a classic green tree with warm white lights and traditional ornaments may be the best choice. For a more modern or eclectic style, you might opt for a white or colored tree with unique ornaments and unconventional decorations. Ultimately, choose a tree that brings you joy and fits well with your personal style and home decor.

But if you’re unsure of the theme to go with for your Christmas tree this year, I have plenty of Christmas tree theme ideas and a guide on how to decorate for Christmas that you can peep at, and once you have found your insight, follow my three-step guide to decorate your Christmas tree like a pro with style and flair.

Step 1: Adorn Your Christmas Tree with Lights

The lights are my favorite part of decorating a Christmas tree.

When choosing tree lights, it is important to consider the different options available. Green and white wire strands are the most common, and they are designed to blend in with the branches of the tree. This can create a more seamless and natural look. However, if you have a black Christmas tree, you may want to consider using black wire strands to match the tree’s color and create a striking visual effect.

Additionally, there are also different colors of lights to choose from, such as white or multicolored lights. White lights can create a classic and elegant look, while multicolored lights can add a festive and playful touch to the tree. Consider your personal preference and the overall theme or style you want to achieve when selecting the color of your tree lights.

How to wrap tree lights

  • To wrap tree lights, start by plugging in the lights and ensuring that they are working properly.
  • Begin at the base of the tree, near the trunk, and work your way up towards the top. As you wrap the lights around the branches, try to evenly distribute them, ensuring that each branch receives some illumination. To achieve this, wrap the lights in a zigzag pattern, moving from the inside of the tree to the outer edges of the branches. As you wrap, take the time to fluff out each branch, starting from the bottom and working your way up. This will give the tree a full and fluffy appearance.
  • Continue wrapping the lights until you reach the top of the tree, making sure to secure the lights in place so that they do not unravel.
  • Plan on about 100 lights per foot of tree height for a lush look.
String lights wrapped up and down

Budget Tips

If you are working under a budget, there are several ways to create a beautiful lighting display without breaking the bank.

  • One option is to wrap the lights up and down the tree rather than around each individual branch. This can create a cascading effect and allow you to use fewer lights.
  • Another option is to use string lights with smaller bulbs, as these tend to be less expensive than larger bulbs.
  • Additionally, consider purchasing lights on sale or during the off-season, as this can help you save money.
  • Finally, consider repurposing lights from previous years, as long as they are still in good working condition.

By implementing these tips, you can create a stunning tree without overspending.

Christmas Tree Lights You Can Choose From

Traditional incandescent lights

These are the most common types of Christmas tree lights and have different color variations and sizes. Their warm, classic glow is really adorable and creates a cozy and nostalgic atmosphere. You can use these to decorate your Christmas tree or your outdoor spaces.

LED Lights

LED lights come with programmable options that allow you to choose different light patterns. For example, you can set the lights to twinkle, fade in and out, or create a chasing effect. These different light patterns can be used to create specific effects. Twinkling lights can add a magical and whimsical touch to your Christmas tree, while a fading in and out effect can create a soothing and calming atmosphere. The chasing effect can be used to create a dynamic and playful display. By experimenting with different light patterns, you can customize the ambiance of your Christmas decorations to suit your personal style and preferences.

LED lights are known for their energy efficiency and long lifespan. While LED lights may have a higher upfront cost, the long-term cost savings make them a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Cool white LED lights give a crisp of modern illumination that is perfect for contemporary and elegant themes. They are perfect for creating a winter wonderland effect.

Cool white LED lights

Warm white LED lights emit a soft amber-toned glow. I love the warm white tone of them. They are the perfect option for creating a cozy and traditional Christmas ambiance and complement both classic and modern decor styles.

Cool warm LED lights

Multicolored LED lights: these Christmas tree lights are the festive option, with bulbs in various colors. They add a playful and vibrant touch to your tree.

Multicolored LED lights

Globe string lights

These Christmas tree lights are round and come in many sizes. They look like balls of color on the tree, and while they have a softer glow than mini lights, the light they produce covers a larger area on the tree.

Cluster Lights

Unlike regular string Christmas lights, LED cluster tree lights are bunched closely together, creating a bold and striking illumination display. They are ideal for your Christmas tree to give it a fuller look.

Christmas Tree Decorated with Cluster Lights

Step 2: Drape Your Garland and Ribbon

Draping garlands or ribbons around the tree adds a layer of texture and visual interest to the tree. The added color and texture from the garlands or ribbons create a more dynamic and visually appealing display. Additionally, the movement of the garlands or ribbons as they hang down the branches adds a sense of flow and liveliness to the overall look of the tree.

There are several types of garlands that you can use to decorate your Christmas tree. Thin, beaded garlands look best when hung from branch to branch, as they create a delicate and elegant look. On the other hand, thicker paper, ribbon, or foil garlands can be wrapped loosely around the entire tree to create a fuller and more festive appearance.

If you have a flocked Christmas tree, you can also consider using a pretty flocked garland to match. By providing a variety of garlands, you can mix and match different types to create your desired look.

Also, if you’re feeling crafty, you can make your own garland to add a personal touch to your Christmas tree.

How to Hang a Garland or Ribbon on Your Tree

  • To drape the garlands or ribbons, start at the top of the tree and secure one end of the garland or ribbon. Then, spiral it down the branches, making sure to leave enough slack between each wave to prevent the branches from bulging between tightly cinched strands. Secure the other end of the garland or ribbon at the bottom of the tree to keep it in place.

Step 3: Hang Christmas Tree Ornaments

When it comes to decorating the Christmas tree, there are endless possibilities to make it beautiful and unique. Let’s explore different ideas for filling in the spaces between branches, adding ornaments, incorporating ribbons, and finishing off the tree with a tree skirt and tree topper.

Types of ornaments

When it comes to choosing ornaments for your Christmas tree, the options are endless. Traditional ornaments, such as glass balls and snowflakes, add a classic and elegant touch to the tree. Handmade ornaments, whether crafted by you or your loved ones, bring a personal and sentimental element to the tree. Consider incorporating unique or themed ornaments that reflect your interests, hobbies, or cultural background. For example, if you love travel, you could hang miniature airplanes or landmarks from different countries.


You can add some wood ornaments to the Christmas tree, for example, wooden animals and stars. Then you can add some snowflakes and icicles. I really love the way icicles and snowflakes look on a Christmas tree and how they add a wintery element to the tree. Mix different shapes and textures into the tree to finish it off.

Wooden Star and Squirrel


Add a bunch of stems and faux picks in between the Christmas tree branches to fill in the spaces. Also, if you don’t have a flocked Christmas tree, you can use flocked picks to make the tree look like it’s flocked in some places. I really think that adds something to the tree.

Flocked Faux Stems and Gold Picks

When adding stems and picks to fill in the spaces between branches, consider using different textures and colors to create a dynamic look. For example, you can use different shades of gold.


Also, you can add ribbons to your Christmas tree; you can tie casual knots, create bows, or make long strips. There are just so many ways to add ribbon to your Christmas tree.

Ribbon Knot


If you’re using an artificial tree this year, you need to add sentsicles to make the tree smell like a freshly cut tree. Scented pinecones or essential oils can also be used to achieve a similar effect.

Christmas Tree Sentscicles

Add a tree skirt.

Choose a tree skirt that complements your overall theme and covers the tree stand.

Tree Skirt

Budget Tip

This is my little trick for tree skirts. I just use a throw blanket that is fuzzy and looks snowy. I really find tree skirts quite expensive, so this is my little hack on how to get the same look for less because I’m not paying 40 to 60 dollars for a tree skirt.

Throw Blanket

Tree trooper

Now to finish off the tree, add a tree trooper, and there are endless options to choose from, from store-bought to custom-made tree troopers.

Ribbon Bow

Gift boxes

Now onto the bottom of the tree. Since we are doing this a little early and we won’t have Christmas gifts until later in December, you can wrap some empty boxes with some pretty ribbon and wrapping paper that matches all the decor and place them under the tree. You can also use some light-up boxes and place them on the tree, and this just adds a very nice finishing touch to the tree.

Light-up Boxes
Empty gift boxes


  • If you’re going for a little bit of an untraditional color palette this year, you can make your own ball ornaments to match your room decor. All you need are clear ornament balls and some acrylic paint. Then pour in some paint and whirl it around, and there you have your perfect little tree ornaments. I think this is the easiest way to do it and make it custom for your home.
  • Also, if you have some excess clear ornament balls, you can fill them with pearls and leave some empty to make the tree look beautiful.
Clear Round Transparent Balls Filled With Pearls
Empty clear transparent balls

If you have a specific color scheme in mind, look for ornaments in those colors to create a cohesive and visually pleasing tree. The key is to choose ornaments that bring you joy and make your tree truly unique.

How to Hang Christmas Tree Ornaments

When hanging ornaments on your Christmas tree, it’s important to consider the placement and arrangement for a visually appealing result. Start by hanging larger ornaments closer to the base of the tree, spreading them out evenly. This will provide a solid foundation and prevent the tree from looking top-heavy. Then, hang medium-sized ornaments around the middle portion of the tree, filling any gaps and creating depth. Finally, add smaller ornaments towards the top of the tree, delicately placing them among the branches for a balanced and cohesive look.

Remember to step back frequently and assess the overall arrangement as you go, making any necessary adjustments to achieve your desired aesthetic.

Decorating a Christmas tree is not just a fun activity, but it also brings a sense of joy and nostalgia. It allows us to express our creativity and showcase our personal style. A well-decorated Christmas tree can transform a room and create a festive atmosphere that brings holiday spirit to the entire household. Whether you prefer a traditional or modern theme, decorating a Christmas tree is a cherished tradition that brings families and friends together during the holiday season. Happy decorating!