General Information

Home Spruce Décor (“company”, “I”, “we”, or “us”) provides general educational content on various topics as a public service through this website. Please understand that this content is not meant to replace professional, financial, real estate, tax, or legal advice. These are simply my personal opinions.

The term “you” refers to anyone who uses, visits, or views this website.

Take the time to read this Disclaimer thoroughly. I reserve the right to make updates or changes at any time without notice. By continuing to browse and use this website, you agree to be bound by this Disclaimer, along with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Any updates or changes to the Disclaimer will apply to your continued use of our website, programs, products, or services. If you don’t wish to be bound by this Disclaimer, please discontinue your use of the website.

General Disclaimer

The content and information provided on this website are for educational and informational purposes only. This does not represent professional advice and does not establish a professional-client relationship through your use of this website. Such a relationship will only be formed once we have entered into a written agreement, signed by you, outlining our fee structure and terms of service for any work we agree to undertake together.

While I strive to provide accurate information, please note that the content on this website is not a substitute for professional advice. Always seek guidance from a qualified professional for any specific legal, financial, or tax-related decisions you need to make based on your personal situation.

Affiliate and Third-Party Links Disclosure

From time to time, we may partner with businesses or participate in affiliate marketing programs, promoting or advertising products or services on this website. If you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, we may receive a commission—at no additional cost to you.

I may also recommend various products, services, coaches, or consultants, based on my personal experience. However, it is important for you to perform your own due diligence to ensure you have all the information you need. I don’t guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the products or services I recommend.

My affiliate and third-party relationships do not affect the integrity of the content I provide. You are never obligated to click on affiliate links or make purchases, and all the affiliate programs I participate in are selected based on personal preference and experience.

Please note that once you click on an affiliate link, you will be redirected to an external website, over which I have no control. I am not responsible for the content or information presented on these external sites, nor for any damages that may result from their use. This policy applies to all affiliate links shared on the website, social media, email communications, or any other channels.

Earnings Disclaimer, Testimonials, and Other Disclaimers

From time to time, I may share income reports, product reviews, or testimonials from customers or clients on the website. These are provided for informational purposes only and are not guarantees of future results.

All testimonials featured on the website reflect the experiences of real individuals, but remember that your results may vary. Success depends on your unique circumstances, skills, and efforts.

You are responsible for conducting your own research and making decisions based on your own situation. By using the website, you agree that Home Spruce Décor and anyone associated with it is not responsible for your success or failure related to the information, products, or services presented.

Sponsored Posts and Reviews Disclaimer

From time to time, I may publish sponsored blog posts or reviews featuring products or services that I personally recommend based on my experience.

In exchange for these reviews, I may receive compensation, free products, or other incentives. However, my opinions remain honest and are shared in good faith. As always, I encourage you to perform your own due diligence before relying on any review or recommendation.

Any decisions you make based on sponsored content or product reviews are your own responsibility. Home Spruce Décor cannot be held accountable for your results, whether related to affiliate links or sponsored posts.

Fair Use Disclaimer

This website may include reviews of products, including images or logos from other sources. In doing so, I claim no copyright over such material, and any use of this content is protected under fair use principles as outlined in U.S. copyright law.

No Warranties

All content, information, products, and services provided on this website are on an “as is” and “as available” basis, without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. I do not guarantee that the website will meet your requirements or that the content will be complete, current, or error-free. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Home Spruce Décor disclaims any and all warranties.

Limitation of Liability

You agree that neither Home Spruce Décor nor any of its officers, employees, successors, shareholders, joint venture partners, or anyone else affiliated with us shall be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising from your use of this website or its content.

By using the website, you accept full responsibility for any personal or business decisions you make. You also agree that Home Spruce Décor will not be responsible for any errors or omissions on the website, service interruptions, website attacks (including computer viruses and hacking), or any other issues related to the performance of the website.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Home Spruce Décor and its officers, employees, successors, shareholders, joint venture partners, or anyone affiliated with the company from any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, or legal actions that may arise from your use of the website, programs, products, or services, or your violation of any laws, rules, or regulations. If necessary, I reserve the right to defend such claims at your expense, and you agree to provide full cooperation if requested.